Creamy Corn Soup, Healthy & Organic
All ingredients used are organic, except where noted (serves 4 as
5 ears corn, husked
1 medium onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced w/garlic press
1 large russet potato (or 2 red skinned potatoes), cut into 1/4” cubes
5 cups low sodium chicken stock
3/4 cup lowfat milk
2T chopped fresh parsley leaves (from my garden)
1 tsp Old Bay Seasoning (non organic)
pinch of Cayenne pepper (non organic)
1 T fresh squeezed lemon juice
Salt & Pepper
2 slices all natural (no hormones, organic) bacon, trimmed of visible
fat on the edges
In a large bowl, hold 1 ear of corn upright and use a serrated knife
to cut off the kernals, but only go halfway deep. Go around the ear
once. Go around the ear a second time, this time getting the rest of the
kernals. Third time around: use the back of the knife and go over the
ear again, to extract out all of the creamy, milky pulp. The purpose of
going around 3 times is to get as much cream from the kernels as
possible (and without the use of a food processor) Repeat with remaining
ears. Set aside.
Heat a large pot or dutch oven over medium heat. Add 2T olive oil.
When oil is shimmering, add onions and cook until softened and
translucent, about 3 minutes. Add garlic, cook 30 seconds. Add corn
kernels, potatoes, chicken stock, Old Bay seasoning, Cayenne pepper,
salt and pepper. Bring to boil and turn down heat to low. Simmer 20
minutes. In the meantime, place the slices of bacon on a microwave safe
dish and microwave on medium for 3 minutes until crisp. Crumble the
bacon. When the soup is ready, add lemon juice, adjust salt and pepper
seasoning. Garnish with chopped fresh parsley leaves and crumbled turkey
bacon on top.